Tissue Bioengineering and Cell Therapy Group

Institute of Biomedical Research of A Coruña INIBIC (CHUAC – UDC)

Multidisciplinary team formed by biologists, chemists and veterinarians.

Objective: to study and develop strategies of cell therapy and tissue engineering of musculoskeletal tissue as therapeutic tools for arthrosis, with special attention to the search for treatment formulas for cartilage damage through natural biomaterials or repair hybrids.

It is the only clinical group in Galicia that participates in the Network Biomedical Research Center – Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN), promoted by the Carlos III National Health Institute.

Contact: Joana Cristina Silva.

Telephone: 981 176 399 Ext. 292494

Email Address: joana.cristina.silva.magalhaes@sergas.es